Wednesday, September 19, 2007

To CUDP members, supporters, and to all concerned Ethiopians

By Ephrem Madebo

As we all sadly heard, CUDP, the foremost Ethiopian opposition party seems to be in a deep trouble, as once were the Democrats and the Republicans here in the USA and the Bolsheviks in Russia almost a century ago. Political parties are not problem-prone; they have their high and low times. Today, CUDP is going through a series of internal corrections, a process that consumes time, affects human temper, and temporarily halts operations. However, when the outcome of the correction process settles, I am confident that CUDP shall shine again, not only for its members and supporters, but also for the entire opposition camp and for our country at large.

When the CUDP leaders went to jail we made a continuous local and international cry for their release, we won! Now the party finds itself in a jail of itself. If we need another victory, let’s constructively be engaged with CUDP leaders and behave in the same way we behaved when they were in jail. Let us learn from the American economy. When markets are in deep trouble, the first and the most reliable choice is to tell the government to take its hands off the economy and let the market correct itself. Here the logic is very simple i.e. self correction is efficient than government interference. But, this doesn’t mean the government would sit and watch the correction forever, it will interfere if the economy deteriorates further. Let us not aggravate the CUDP situation by acting like the government in the above analogy. Let us give a chance to CUDP leaders to solve their differences and stand as a single entity again. Mind you, I am not saying we need to keep quiet and wait for outcomes, we have the responsibility of being a constructive critique, but we should not by any means make an attempt to solve their problem in our own way, or be the devil’s advocate!


Anonymous said...

Now the party finds itself in a jail of itself.

Beautiful description.

How sad and embarrassing.

enset said...

I agree the strife within Kinijit is saddening for those who want to see an opposition group that can effectively challenge the EPRDF. If Kinijit can't solve this internal crisis within a reasonable period of time (like two or three months), I think it will be very difficult for Kinijit to make the case that it is different from all the other parties that came before it.

Anonymous said...

I agree, it will become just as ineffective as all the parties of the past sixteen years.

Unfortunately, the protagonists, as usual, seem to think of this as a win-lose game, that if they can just defeat their opponent, they and Kinijit will live happily ever after.

They don't seem to have learnt from our sordid history; even the recent diaspora KIL/KNA conflict. This conflict has permanently disabled Kinijit in the diaspora and ended nearly all mobilization and fundraising efforts. It has resulted in a lose-lose scenario.

The choices are win-win, if they reconcile, or lose-lose, if they don't.

Anonymous said...

thanks ephriem for the wonderful suggestion!

Anonymous said...

Dear Ephrem,
I agree with you that Kinjit leaders themselves have to resolve this internal strife ASAP to maintain the trust of the Ethiopian people. The Ethiopian people are fed up opposition political, parties/organisations come and go due to internal crisis in the leadership (to mention few EPRP, COEDF, Kinijit-hibrit coalition and now Kinijit). I don't think many genuine Ethiopians are interested who should lead Kinijit, as long as the leadership role is mandated democratically by the executive board. The key issue is Kinijit to remain as a strong party to that is capable of bringing democracy, peace and prosperity to the people of Ethiopia. I think CUDP members and in particular supporters and concerened Ethiopians shoul dpush them to resolve the criisis by themselves rather than we to suggest who shuould lead and so on. if we do we will be part of the problem rather tahn the solution. Let supporters of any camp (if there are any) stay out of this and leave it to the leaders.

Thank you


Anonymous said...

Hello Ephrem,

Kinijit by its nature is a group of organization with different principle and emphasis to Ethiopian politics. The common denominator among the groups in kinijit, I would say, is an opposition to the current Ethiopian government. No wonder the unity within the leadership is at all time low.

You are urging the leadership, the members and sympathizer to resolve their difference and keep the momentum of political renascence in Ethiopia. Your suggestion of self correction (although I don’t get your analogy of CUDP’s self correction with American market economy of self-regulation) might be good if the CUDP leadership is wise enough to hammer out the difference round the table. They need suppress their personal ambitions and ego in order to promote the need for a collective ambition of their party and ultimately to lead the opposition to power to serve the Ethiopian people.

On the other hand some one some how must take the initiative the debate on the current issue publicly and try to solve the problem sooner than later. There is no way that the CUDP leadership in its current state of mined will deliver an effective leadership to the opposition parties. There is a tug of war in all direction. This needs to be checked on time before it is to late.

Where is the executive committee of CUDP or the general council? What are they waiting for? I presume they are well structured organization. They need to call an emergency meeting to solve this problem, instead of subliminally sniping one anther through different media outlets. They need to sit down and discuss this seriously. Just think how this news will give EPRDF the sense of jubilation. They can’t wait rubbing salt into a wound of CUDP.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I don't think the CUD leaders are in a state of compromising mood. They seem to have some fundamental differences. From what I see now, it seems to me that they have different agenda. I am not even sure if they share a common principle, or have a common vision for the country. It is very difficult to understand what could have caused the party to crack up so easily. They just got out of the jail, and in less than two months time they seem to be all over the place. Did they spend too much time together to know each other better? I don't even understand why they came to US or went to Europe. What is their mission about? To show the wrold that they don't like each other any more. They had to clean up their living room before they invite anyone for dinner. One more thing, I would have valued it more if they have spent the millennium at home with their family, and the people of Ethiopia. They had to show their solidarity. It is almost abondoning the people, who do not have the chance to do the same.