Mozilla released Firefox 3 yesterday and it set a world record for a software download in a 24 hour period. There were only 215 downloads from Ethiopia in that period of time. Kenya had 1367. African countries with the most downloads were South Africa (20514), Egypt (7767), Morocco (5845) and Algeria (4221).
I recently heard ER publisher’s interview on ETN. When asked if he would take some responsibility for pressuring KINIJIT leadership into not joining parliament and eventually going to prison.. His response was that he did that because he was misled by Ato Hailu Shawels assertion that ‘ there are two or three tiers of leadership.’ He also said that he would have acted differently if he knew that Ato Halus assertion was not true. Therefore, my advice to ER’s editor is -if you were wrong then you could be wrong now. Every opposition party’s decision should not pass ER litmus test.
Hi, you may have some good insight what is going on the ballot but you thinking need to get out of that ballot BOX. There won't be a democratic election in Ethiopia as long as TPLF is in power. My point is , OLF has office in Asmara. If you respect oromo's people struggle and want peace, you go to Eritrea. It seems you have some residual TPLF propaganda in your head.Eritrea is defenders of the oppressed. Fair people. If you think Isayas created us. It is an insult and dont know or care about our struggle. Wish you peace with Birtukan!!!!!!!
Hello! Sir it is more than enough for that stuped ER editor. What you said is what I want to say and I realy 100 percent satsfied with your idea. Ifhe is a human being he should learn from your article.
Yes it is time to say enough is enough for that guy before he cause any more daage.
Thank you so much for using your blog to to straighten the errant Elias Kifle. This is a long overdue and much deserved criticism of ER's editor. Like you said, he has been playing fast and loose with free speech and free expression; on one hand criticizing TPLF for muzzling the free press in Ethiopia and on the other trying to silence people like you and me if and when our views are in contrast with his preconceived absolute truth.
Most people read ER for its news and alleged investigative reporting (dirt digging) and NOT to be indoctrinated by the ill conceived and shallow minded views of its editor. If one needs a thoughtful analysis and mature editorial, there is Ethiomedia, Ethiopundit, Enset and Dagmawi.
I think It was even late to tell ER editor that it is enough getting things out of proportion and also stop telling us his opinions are the only ones to be used as guiding principles.
Any way, many thanks to Ephrem for telling him so. I am satisfied enough specially by ur opinion about the would be Eritrea's(Isayas's) role in our stragle against his political child TPLF(Meles).
Hmmm, it is ironic to consider 'Esayas' anti Ethiopia unity. Is it not that Melese failed terribly to influence Eritrea to extend his ethnic division all the way to Eritrea? Had disintegration of Ethiopia was Esayas's ambition, it would have been done easily in 1991.
The question of Assab, Badme, or Tsorona is none issue at all. As to Eritreans leaving the country, the fact is that even those that leave the country love their Eritreanism, their country and are united as one when it comes to defending Eritrea against any Ethio adventures.
Finally, I pray Ethiopians wake up and throw their tattered old mindset when it comes to Eritrea and its people. We can all work for peace, respect, mutual benefit and development.
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